Data type OrderData


TYRIOS saves orders in a OrderData object. It is surely one of the most complex data structures in TYRIOS and it is extremely likely that the data structure depends on your concrete installation due to the different supported systems (e.g. configurable orders, POS based orders, production orders, recurring orders,...) . For creating orders using the API, this is not relevant, as only the data is important you are using. However if you want to update an order you really need to be careful to not overwrite existing data.


Please be aware: TYRIOS is an aspect-oriented system and the concrete data structure depends on your system configuration. Especially in case you want to update existing data, please be aware to take all available fields into account or use an update specific API endpoint to avoid data loss.

General data structure

In general, an OrderData object has the following data structure:

  "id": 697,
  "UserData": 33, // UserData object or UserData id, required for changing the state
  "OrderAssistant": 22 // UserData object or UserData id, optional, might be automatically assigned
  "BillingAddress": 34, // UserAddressData object or id - required
  "ShippingAddress": 34, // UserAddressData object or id - optional
  "OrderDetailData": [
    // array of OrderDetailData of the order positions, required for changing the state
  "orderTime": null, // order time, null if in draft mode
  "lastChangeTime": 1631281823000, // unix timestamp
  "OrderState": null, // OrderState object, cannot be changed manually and needs to 
  "contactPhone": null, // optional contact phone
  "taxCode": null, // optional taxCode
  "ip": "", // ip address of the order
  "provider": "provider name", // name of the provider
  "orderLang": "de", // language of the order
  "shippingCosts": 2.11, // delivery costs of the order
  "DeliveryOptionData": null, // DeliveryOption data object, automatically assigned
  "selectedDeliveryTime": null,
  "deliveryOptionName": "Standardversand",
  "PaymentOption": null, //payment option object, automatically assigned
  "PaymentObjectData": null, // payment object to save all payment information
  "AffiliateData": null, //AffiliateData object for marketing analyses
  "lastOrderAction": null, // order action, automatically st
  "CouponData": null, // used coupons
  "ignoreCouponData4PriceCalculation": false,
  "CouponOrderDetailData": null,
  "agbAccepted": true, // information if user has accepted AGB
  "revocationAccepted": true, // information if user has accepted revocation
  "paymentAccepted": false, // information if user has accepted payment conditions
  "total": 126.7, // total order amount, automatically calculated
  "grossRevenue": 102.68, // total gross revenue, automatically calculated
  "discount": null, // provided discount
  "taxMode": "B2C", // tax mode, possible values: B2C, B2B, B2B_EU, automatically calculated based on the delivery address
  "VATVerificationResult": null,
  "globalBillDataPreText": null,
  "globalBillDataPostText": null,
  "orderTags": [
    "Online-Bestellung" // possible tags for filtering
  "ShoppingCardOfferRequest": null,
  "acceptedProductSpecificAcceptanceText": null,
  "OrderAcceptanceData": [
    // optional array for legal texts (e.g. AGB) which have been accepted
  "editable": true, //specifies if the order can be changed
  "dropShipping": false, // specifies, if the order is a dropshipping order
  "ProductUserComment": null,
  "OrderDataUserComment": null,
  "orderDataUserCommentNotificationLevel1MailSent": false,
  "orderDataUserCommentNotificationLevel2MailSent": false,
  "orderDataUserCommentNotificationLevel1CouponSent": false,
  "orderDataUserCommentNotificationLevel2CouponSent": false,
  "productUserCommentNotificationLevel1MailSent": false,
  "productUserCommentNotificationLevel2MailSent": false,
  "productUserCommentNotificationLevel1CouponSent": false,
  "productUserCommentNotificationLevel2CouponSent": false,
  "enableUserCommentPrompt": false,
  "userCall4CommentSent": false,
  "digitalProductDataDownloadEnabled": false,
  "digitalProductDataDownloadHash": "",
  "BillData": null, // reference to BillData (invoices, delivery notes,...)
  "paymentText": "Sie hatten als Bezahlform Paypal ausgewählt. Ihr Paypal-Konto läuft unter Test Buyer ( Die Zahlung in Höhe von 126,70 € wurde am Fr, 10. Sep 2021 um 15.50 Uhr durchgeführt." //optional payment inforamtion added to BillData



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