Selection of cheese with short description to make selection more easy

Item details in the product preview

It is sometimes very difficult to choose from the wide variety of products. That's why it's important that we as salespeople actively support the customer. Until now, this was possible in TYRIOS with the help of product facets. This allowed us to provide the customer with an interactive advice tool so that they could select the desired product with just a few clicks.

product details in overview
Product details in the product overview significantly improve the shopping experience. Customers find what they are looking for more quickly.

Sometimes, however, this is not enough and it is necessary for the customer to be able to recognise the key product features directly in the product overview. This is the only way to ensure a good shopping experience.

TYRIOS now supports item details directly in the product preview. As a shop operator, you have full control and can precisely control the display details with the help of the product data types. We explain exactly how in our knowledge base entry.

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