[eCash] Create employer vouchers
- I would like to give my employee a one-off employer voucher (benefit in kind). How do I do this?
- I would like to give my employee employer vouchers (non-cash benefit) on a regular basis. How do I do this?
In TYRIOS eCash you can define any rules for employer vouchers. These rules are automatically executed and you then receive a separate item for each employer voucher in the clearing document. This is ideal for bookkeeping and for proving to the tax office that the payment in kind was actually made.
This is how you create a rule for a benefit in kind.
As a user with the rights to edit remuneration in kind, go to Customer Area > eCash and click on "Manage Employee Remuneration".
Search for the corresponding staff member. You only have to enter the name in the search field.
- If you can't find the employee yet, he or she is not known to the eCash system. You can create the employee directly by clicking on the + button.
Click on Show references. The rule display opens. If no rule exists yet, you will see a field with a "+" button for creating a new rule.
Click on the "+" symbol to add a new rule or on the pencil to edit an existing rule.
Note that the rules are automatically executed as soon as you save the rule. The start date, the end date and the number of repetitions are automatically taken into account. If you leave the repetitions empty, this rule is valid until the end date or when you delete the rule again.
- If you want to execute an employee payment only once, store the value 1 for the repetitions. In this way, you can manually control which amount is paid to which employee at any time. The rule is then executed on the start date.