Data layer support for eCommerce tracking


What is the dataLayer?

The dataLayer is a central component in the Google Tag Manager (GTM) that serves as a communication channel between your website and the GTM. It stores information about user activity and transmits it to the Google Tag Manager so that it can process it for analyses and tracking purposes. The dataLayer is particularly important for eCommerce tracking, as it records and structures all relevant data such as product information, transaction details and user interactions.

Using the dataLayer via the Google Tag Manager not only allows the relevant data to be sent to Google Analytics, but also goes beyond this. The GTM can be used to conveniently control Facebook, Google AdWords and other services for successful marketing.

Why is eCommerce tracking important?

eCommerce tracking allows you to analyse the behaviour of your users throughout the buying process. This includes:

  • Product views: Which products are users looking at? And where did they find the product?
  • Shopping basket actions: Which items do users add to their shopping basket?
  • Purchase completion: How many users actually complete a transaction?

With this information, you can optimise your marketing strategies, increase conversion rates and identify potential weak points in your sales process.

How does usage affect data protection?

TYRIOS sends the user consent explicitly to the GTM via the dataLayer. On this basis, the GTM ensures that tracking and marketing tags are loaded in compliance with data protection regulations. User consent is systematically requested via the so-called CMP ("cookie banner").


No further action is required to activate the dataLayer. TYRIOS does this by default. As soon as you have stored the GTM, the data is automatically structured and transferred in compliance with data protection regulations. The following events are supported:

  • view_item_list: This event provides information on which products are provided in which overviews. TYRIOS automatically provides information on
    • Categories
    • Search results
    • Cross-selling lists
    • Upselling lists
    • Accessories lists
    • Serial product lists
    • and all product components
  • view_item: This event provides product information on an item detail page
  • add_to_cart: This event provides information when an item is added to the shopping basket. Tracking this event allows Google and Facebook to systematically optimise the campaigns automatically. You should include it as a soft conversion in your analyses.
  • view_cart: We use this to inform the GTM as soon as the shopping basket is called up.
  • begin_checkout: The actual order process begins with this event and it is crucial to analyse the process and order history here.
  • purchase: This is the actual conversion in your shop. Google and Facebook should be systematically informed about the GTM here, as this is the only way to optimise campaigns for a better conversion rate.

Tips und Tricks:

TYRIOS supplies all product data on the basis of the product ID. This product ID is also used as part of the product export for the Google Merchant Centre. This enables Google to create detailed links between user behaviour and the product range and thus optimise your AdWords campaigns. It is therefore advisable to also use Google's Merchant Centre when using the dataLayer.

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