Disallow email providers


  • How can I reduce fake accounts?


This article shows how you can block email providers in TYRIOS to prevent fake accounts or disposable addresses from being used for registrations, orders and profile updates. We also explain why this function is important to ensure the data quality and security of your platform.

Why is it important to block email providers?

The use of fake accounts and disposable addresses is a common problem online. These addresses are often used to remain anonymous or to gain temporary access to a platform, which can lead to customer data being falsified:

  • Customer data beingfalsified.
  • Unwanted spam appearing on your platform.
  • Fraud by unverifiable users increases.
  • Orders are processedwithout valid contact options.

By blocking certain email providers, you can ensure that only verifiable and reputable email addresses are used for user accounts. This reduces administrative effort, increases data quality and protects your company from fraudulent activities.


To ban email providers in TYRIOS CRM, you must proceed as follows

  1. Go to the customer area as a user with extended rights > System > System configuration
  2. Select the User administration section
  3. Here you will find the section for "Prohibited email providers" Screenshot of TYRIOS for setting up the forbidden e-mail providers
  4. You can enter as many e-mail providers as you like. They are all checked for newly created email addresses. Common throwaway addresses for fake accounts are, for example: mailinator.com, minutemail.com, guerrillamail.com, opmail.com, example.com
  5. Save the system configuration

Tips und Tricks:

  • Check regularly: Update your blocklist regularly, as new disposable email providers are popping up all the time.
  • Find a balance: consider whether it's necessary to block common email providers like Gmail or Yahoo. Customers often have legitimate addresses from these services.
  • Set up notifications: Inform users clearly and understandably why certain email providers are not accepted to avoid misunderstandings.

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