Personalise order mail
- How can I personalize the order mail?
- How can I personalize the mail templates?
TYRIOS offers you a function with which you can personalise the order email. This way you don't appear to the customer as an anonymous, impersonal online shop, but score points with personality. Your customer can reply to the email and the answer lands directly in the mailbox of the person in charge.
Personalise order mail
- As a user with extended rights, go to the Customer Area >System > System Configuration.
- Open the "Order Management" section by clicking on it.
- Search for the section "Order process".
- The function "Personalise order mails" is active by default.
- Store the user ID of the standard clerk. Orders from the Online Shop are assigned directly to this user.
Personalise mail templates
- As a user with extended rights, go to the customer area >System >Manage mail template. Here you can also edit the order status mails or the receipt mails.
- Click on the "Edit template" button of the mail template you want to personalise.
- Place the patterns "##orderAssistantName##", "##orderAssistantPreName##", "##orderAssistantContactPhone##", "##orderAssistantContactFax##", "##orderAssistantEmail##" in the desired places. They are then automatically replaced when the e-mail is sent.