Data type UserAddressData


TYRIOS saves user addresses in a UserAddressData object. 


Please be aware: TYRIOS is an aspect-oriented system and the concrete data structure depends on your system configuration. Especially in case you want to update existing data, please be aware to take all available fields into account or use an update specific API endpoint to avoid data loss.

General data structure

In general, a UserAddressData object has the following data structure:

    "id": 395, // id of the the address
    "gender": "company", // type of address, possible values: male, female, company, club, city, organization, authority
    "company": null, //company name, required if no name is given
    "company2": null,
    "company3": null,
    "title": null,
    "name": "Mustermann", //last name of the contact address, required if company is not given
    "preName": "Max",
    "street": "Teststraße", //street name, required if no postOfficeBoxy is given
    "streetNo": "12",
    "postOfficeBox": null, // required if no street is given
    "postCode": "88605",
    "city": "Meßkirch",
    "country": "de", // country code in ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 format
    "UserData": 5, // UserData object or UserData id, optional, required if no CustomerData is given
    "CustomerData": null, // CustomerData object or CustomerData id, optional
    "contactPhone": null,
    "contactMobile": null,
    "contactFax": null,
    "contactEmail": null,
    "notes": null,
    "tags": [], //array for tags


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