Deposit customer accounts for DATEV export


  • How can I deposit booking accounts with the customer?
  • How do I ensure that invoices are correctly filed with the customer in DATEV?
  • How can I assign clients to the same DATEV customer?


TYRIOS allows turnover-relevant documents such as invoices or credit notes to be exported directly in DATEV format and thus used in any accounting programme without additional effort. In order for the documents to be assigned to the correct customers, it is necessary to store the corresponding posting account / customer account in the customer master. This is possible both directly with the user and with the customer.


With the user

In order to store the customer account with the user, proceed as follows:

  1. As a user with extended rights, go to Customer Area > User Management > Manage Users.
  2. Search for the corresponding user and select "Edit user" in the line menu.
  3. Click on the tab "Settings" in the user editor.
  4. Enter the booking account here. All DATEV charts of accounts are supported.

Of course, you can also enter the account directly for a new user.

With the customer

To store a customer account with the customer, proceed as follows:

  1. As a user with extended rights, go to the customer area > User administration > Manage customers.
  2. Search for the corresponding customer and select "Edit customer" in the line menu.
  3. Click on the tab "Accounting data" in the customer editor.
  4. Enter the posting account here. All DATEV charts of accounts are supported.

Of course, you can also enter the posting account directly for a new customer.

The posting account always has a higher priority for the customer than for the user.

Tips und Tricks:

If neither the user nor the client has a booking account, TYRIOS creates the DATEV export with a "B "+user ID or with a "C "+client ID. This way you can quickly see for which customer or user booking accounts are missing. 

Booking accounts can also be assigned automatically. Contact us specifically so that we can store this individual definition.

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