eCash: Automate Employer Vouchers
- How to automate Employer Vouchers?
TYRIOS eCash makes it possible to automate employer vouchers in such a way that there is minimal work for the employer. All he has to do is define rules for an employee as to when he should receive which amount. TYRIOS eCash takes care of the rest.
- On the desired date, the employee automatically receives the desired amount on his user account.
- If a mail template has been stored, the employee is automatically informed about the employer voucher by e-mail.
- The employer automatically receives a clearing voucher on which all employee vouchers are logged with their names. This makes it easy to provide proof to the accounting department.
Manage employees
To deposit a voucher, proceed as follows:
- As a user with extended rights, go to the customer area > eCash > Manage employee benefits. This function is only available if your company has been activated for employee benefits.
- You will receive a list of all employees who have already been deposited. You can now flexibly add new employees
- You can use the text field to search for the first and last name of an existing user in the system. This way you avoid that an employee has several user accounts and you can - especially with already established systems - significantly increase the satisfaction of the employees if there is only one account for him. You can search by first and last name, by email address and by user ID, if your employee has provided this to you.
Tyrios eCash automatically searches for all users and displays them in a search overview:
By clicking on the "+" button (1) you can add the user as an employee. With the last 4 characters of the user ID (2) you can check whether the user is really the desired employee.
- If the user does not yet exist in the system, you can create him or her directly. To do so, click on the "+" button directly next to the search entry. An input dialogue will appear:
The first name and the last name are mandatory fields. The e-mail address is optional, but is recommended if the staff member is to be able to log into the system him- or herself. Without an e-mail address, it is not possible for the system to contact the user. If you want to make a customer card available to the employee, you can scan the corresponding barcode into the "User ID" field. Otherwise, a new code will be created for the user, which he or she can use in the mobile app, for example.
- You can use the text field to search for the first and last name of an existing user in the system. This way you avoid that an employee has several user accounts and you can - especially with already established systems - significantly increase the satisfaction of the employees if there is only one account for him. You can search by first and last name, by email address and by user ID, if your employee has provided this to you.
- As soon as you add employees in this way, they will be saved in your company profile.
You can remove the employee from your profile at any time using the trash can button or simplify the assignment to your internal employee list using the personnel number field.
Manage pay rules
- In order to control payments, click on "Show payments" for the corresponding employee. All rules stored for the user are then displayed. Of course, there are none for a new user.
- Now click on the first rule (1). An input form for the first rule appears.
- Frequency: Select the frequency when the rule is to be executed. There are different possibilities from a one-time execution to an annual execution.
- Repetitions: Determine how often the rule should be applied. If you only want to award the voucher 3 times, enter 3 here. If you leave the field empty, it will be applied without limit until you manually delete the rule again.
- Start date: Specify from when the rule should apply.
- End date: Specify until when the rule should be applied.
- Value: Set the amount of money in € that you want to give to the employee. Note that TYRIOS eCash does not limit the amount. Not all amounts are tax-free - currently only €44 or €60 on special occasions.
- Reason: Set a reason for the voucher. This will appear in the employee's transaction overview and in your company's transaction overview.
- Email template: Optionally select a template to be sent to the employee.
- Click on the disk symbol to save. The rule is active immediately.
You can define as many rules as you like for each employee and thus systematically pre-plan employee payments.
Define e-mail templates
As an employer, you probably want to inform your employee when he or she receives a payment. For this purpose, you can define which mail template is to be used for the rule. Initially, however, no mail template is stored. As the employer, you can do this yourself.
- As a user with extended rights, go to the customer area > eCash > Manage mail templates for benefits in kind. This function is only available if your company has been activated for employer vouchers.
- You will get to the tabular overview of the existing mail templates. Click on "New".
- Enter a name for your template.
- Enter the subject to be used in the mail.
- Then enter the mail content in HTML / Text. The text mail is created automatically by default.
- Save the mail template. It is now available in the rules.
TYRIOS can automatically replace patterns in your mail template and thus individualise your e-mail. Below the text field, you will see the corresponding sample templates:
- ##firstName## - will be replaced with the first name of the recipient
- ##name## - will be replaced with the recipient's last name
- ##eMail## - will be replaced with the recipient's email address
- ##ownerName## - will be replaced with the last name of the responsible contact person (company owner) of the company
- ##ownerFirstName## - will be replaced with the first name of the responsible contact person (company owner) of the company
- ##companyName## - will be replaced with the company name.
All these patterns are optional and do not have to be used. However, if they are present, they will be taken into account.