Deposit contact form
TYRIOS supports interactive elements - we call them macros - in the editor system. This also includes the contact form. This contact form implements some spam protection measures without resorting to captchas. This makes the forms particularly user-friendly.
To add a contact form, you must be in the editor - e.g. in the content management area, in the product or category editor.
- Click on "+ Macro" in the editor. A dropdown appears with the available macros.
- Select the macro "Contact form
- A pop-up appears with the macro properties. Enter the recipient's e-mail address here. If no recipient is entered, the system e-mail address is used automatically. This is usually a noreply address and should therefore not be used.
- You can enter additional input fields. Each field is marked by a line break. If the field should be a mandatory field, you have to mark it with a *.
- Click on "OK" to insert the macro.
To edit an already existing macro, you only have to double-click on the corresponding macro. The procedure is then the same.