Activate reservation function


  • How can I reserve the order?
  • How can I edit the reservation function?
  • How can I process the order?
  • Where can I edit the order status?


With the new reservation function, TYRIOS offers your customers the possibility to reserve an order without having to go through the entire ordering process. After they have entered their basic contact details such as phone number or email address, your customers receive an individual pick-up number with which the ordered goods can be picked up directly in the shop. At the same time, you receive a simple order compilation with the picking document, so that even staff without digital access to TYRIOS can compile the goods for collection by the customer.

With the new reservation function, you can significantly simplify your Click&Collect and Click&Meet offers for your customers. This not only ensures a higher conversion rate, but also a better perception of your stationary offer. At the same time, TYRIOS systematically supports you in collecting customer data, which you can then use for further marketing purposes. 


Activate the reservation function 
By default, this function is not activated. To activate it, proceed as follows:

  1. As a user with extended rights, go to the Customer Area > System > System Configuration.
  2. Open the "Order Management" section by clicking on it.
  3. Search for the section "Reservation".
  4. Activate the reservation function by clicking on "Activate reservation function". Some detailed settings are now available.
    After a customer has placed an item in the shopping basket, he/she will receive a success message. Three buttons are offered:
  • Continue shopping 
  • Go to shopping cart
  • Checkout 

When the "checkout" button is clicked, customers can no longer access the reservation function because the shopping basket is skipped and the checkout process is started directly. Therefore, it may make sense to hide this button.

You also have the option to deactivate the "Checkout" button in the shopping cart itself. This means that the customer can no longer start the order process and you only offer your goods for collection (Click&Collect and Click&Meet).
To make it easier for you to reach your customer, you can set whether you request the telephone number, the e-mail address or both. TYRIOS automatically creates a user account in guest mode when a reservation is made. This makes it quicker and easier to process follow-up orders and reservations.

  1. Select a status for the order under the reservation statuses so that it can be distinguished from orders that have come about through online ordering. It is advisable to store your own status here, as this also allows an individual confirmation of receipt to be sent to the customer with all further details (similar to the order confirmation).


Specify the payment method and shipping option.

Picking document
It is recommended to send the merchants a picking document after the reservation so they know what to put together. How can you do this?

Search for the "Picking" section.
Activate the picking voucher function by clicking on "Activate picking voucher".
Select what you want to see on the picking document.
Save the settings. They are active immediately.

Process order
When the reservation is received, you should automatically receive the picking document by e-mail. In addition, your customers should receive a reservation confirmation by e-mail. For this purpose, it is advisable to store your own status.

As a user with extended rights, go to Customer Area > Order Management > Edit Order Status.
Add the status in the "In process" area (e.g.: "Reserved for pick-up").
Save the status.

To send a mail to the customer, you have to create a suitable mail template:

As a user with extended rights, go to the customer area > System > Manage mail templates.
Search for the mail template for your newly created order status and edit the mail template.

To send yourself a notification and, if necessary, the picking document, proceed as follows:

As a user with extended rights, go to Customer Area > Order Management > Edit Order Status Actions.
Search for the section "Status".
Select the appropriate status (e.g. "In process: Reserved for pick-up").
Search the "Action" section.
Select the appropriate action from the list (e.g. "Mail with picking document to shop operator").
Click on "Create".
Enter a suitable e-mail address.
Save the settings. They are active immediately.

What should you do to activate this action?

As a user with extended rights, go to Customer Area > System > System Configuration > Order Management.
Search for the section "Reservation".
Select the appropriate reservation status (e.g. "In progress: Reserved for pick-up").
Save the settings. They are active immediately, i.e. the shop owner will automatically receive an e-mail with the commissioning document.

You can find the reservation with the corresponding information in Order Management > Manage Orders. Here you can also edit the status again. If the function "autom. mail dispatch" is activated, the customer has been informed by e-mail that he/she can go to the shop with the pick-up number. You can also see the picking document in full here, just by clicking on the "Picking document" button.  

Tips und Tricks:

Diese Reservierungsfunktion kommt zusammen mit eigenen Abholzeiten, die den Kunden zeigen, wie lang es dauern wird bis der Auftrag abgeholt werden kann. Dir stehen dabei wie beim Versand drei Standard-Abholzeiten bereit:

  • Grün
  • Orange
  • Rot

Diese können individuell angepasst und bearbeitet werden. Du kannst so die entsprechende Abholzeit an deine Bedürfnisse anpassen. Diese Abholstatus sind sprachabhängig, d.h. sie müssen für jede Sprache hinterlegt werden.

  1. Gehe als Benutzer mit erweiterten Rechten in den Kundenbereich > System > System-Konfiguration.
  2. Öffne den Bereich “Auftragsverwaltung” durch einen Klick.
  3. Suche den Abschnitt “Abholzeiten”.
  4. Trage die nötigen Informationen für die drei Status (Lieferzeit grün, orange und rot) ein. Vergiss nicht, dass für jede Sprache eine eigene Übersetzung empfehlenswert ist.


Sollte der Bestellprozess deaktiviert worden sein, wird die Abholzeit anstelle der Lieferzeit im Warenkorb angezeigt.


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