In-house expo as a booster

Hybrid Order-Expo at your place

Increase your sales and customer loyalty without the direct competition and the enormous costs of participating in a trade fair.


Man with tablet and pen, people sitting in the background looking at a screen

Bring your customers to you, turnover guaranteed!

Invite your customers to come to you and offer them an unforgettable shopping experience, exclusively in your company headquarters with the best conditions for individual customer service.

low costs

The costs of participating in a trade fair have risen dramatically in the meantime. At an in-house exhibition, you can use the money saved for catering or an after-party with your guests, for example.

As we all know, the best business is done over a good glass of wine.

Less costs, more service!

best service

You are at home in your company headquarters and can show your best side as a host. Your sales team can prepare themselves perfectly and use their home advantage in sales.

Provide your guests with a social programme they won't forget.

Business in the best atmosphere.

no competitors

At your in-house exhibition you have the full attention of your customers. No direct competition, no price wars and above all no unwanted distractions.

You have your guests all to yourself and can offer them an incomparable shopping experience.

Your expo - your customers - your success

Out of the box & still flexible


The hybrid expo-tool can be quickly and intuitively adapted specifically for your event. Our TYRIOS expo concept-package consists of a prepared online platform based on a CMS system. The concept package is designed in such a way that you can complete your in-house expo on your own in a short time and at the lowest possible cost. We provide you with a detailed to-do list, which you can use to implement the digital part of your expo step-by-step.

Do you want to save resources or would you rather have this part done by a professional? Our marketing team will be happy to support you in planning and implementing your trade fair.

On your own or with our help, with TYRIOS to your in-house exhibition

Roadmap to your hybrid in-house expo


  1. Event-Info-Homepage
  2. Add products
  3. Add customer data
  4. Plan event & invite customers - Send tickets
  5. Publish programme - Preliminary information on product & expo highlights
  6. Expo day - TYRIOS expo as a hybrid sales tool
  7. Integration of back-office team for hybrid customer service and sales
  8. Product reviews & tests
  9. After-Sales

The Homepage as a Expo-Portal

An order expo must be well prepared in order to generate the highest possible turnover. 

TYRIOS expo is the solution to make the products, new products and programme information offered at your event accessible to your visitors on their smartphone or tablet.

TYRIOS expo offers your sales team a tool to negotiate individual orders with your visitors during the in-house exhibition and, of course, to conclude binding contracts.

Make your in-house exhibition an unforgettable experience

Exhibition hall with many visitors

1. Step: your event info-homepage

The website serves as your communication platform

Fully responsive, from the cloud and with an integrated rights-based access system, the website is the "heart" of your hybrid in-house trade fai. Your guests, your suppliers and, of course, your employees can actively participate in the event from any internet-enabled device, regardless of location.

Planning - Invitation - Operation - Sales - After Sales

Website in best time

TYRIOS expo offers you industry-specific blueprints so that you can quickly fill a professional event homepage with your individual information. Blueprints are a content-filled homepage including standard texts and stock photos. With the help of a to-do list, you can personalise the Blueprint into your individual trade fair homepage in no time at all.

  • Expo-homepage in record time
  • Predefined pages: Home page, article detail pages, programme etc.
  • quick and intuitive to edit
  • Event platform for employees & customers
  • Newsletter system as a communication tool

With use-case-optimised blueprints to the optimal result!

screenshot of the Componenten-Editor

Digital showcase

TYRIOS offers you an automated digital showcase in the form of a homepage. We believe that the presentation of your expo products on an event website is the perfect complement to your exhibited products at your trade fair. 

TYRIOS pim lets you enter extensive products and present them optimally to your expo staff and visitors via the event website. Whether it's basic information, data sheets or even construction plans. With product photos or videos, displayed on IPads or smartphones, you can present your products perfectly, including colour and size variants.

Of course, the products can be immediately negotiated online, reserved or added to the order list.

Digital product information makes your expo a special experience.


Respnsive presentation of a brewery online shop on a desktop PC, laptop and an Iphone

2. Step: Add products

Import your product data

To ensure that your employees and visitors are well prepared for the in-house expo, import your current product portfolio into TYRIOS pim.

Comprehensive product data is the key to success


Import & present products

Where better to present products than on an online platform?

TYRIOS lets you present products with all possible attributes and features in a first-class way. Whether descriptions, photos, product videos, data sheets, etc., TYRIOS pim lets you centrally store detailed product master data to show your customers all sales-relevant information. You can enter your product data either manually or conveniently with our Excel importer.

Deliver the online shop-optimised content to your customers when they purchase your products using the export function. This helps your buyers to present the products quickly and sales-optimised on their online shops.

Online-compatible product data is the basis for your hybrid expo.

Tablet with mockup of an industrial machine with product data

3. Step: Add customer data

Your customers, the basis for your success

Your expo depends from visitors. You will have the greatest possible success if you already know your visitors, at least by name and e-mail address in connection with the invitation. Enter your contact details in TYRIOS expo, so visitors and your Expo-team will have a personal basis for communication at the expo.

User groups and customer accounts

When entering or importing your visitor data, you can directly create customer accounts and put your customers into user groups.

Assign guest to special-rates or net/gross prices to the user groups. In this way you can show your customers prices that apply specifically to them.

You can also send information, invitations and tickets to your guests via the integrated newsletter system.

B2B - B2C - D2C ; Serve all customer groups at your event


Man points finger at honeycomb with TYRIOS logo, B2B, B2C and D2C graphic

4. Step: Plan event & invite customers - send tickets

The event homepage as a planning tool

Now it's time to get structure into your event. With TYRIOS expo you can set up public areas with information for visitors and private areas for your planning- and expo-team. TYRIOS offers you an interactive platform for planning and data exchange.


Plan your event in detail and inform your visitors in advance with important information such as opening hours, directions, hotels & restaurants as well as the programme and of course the product highlights of your event.

You can easily import your customer data via an Excel importer and assign them to individual price groups. When your guests visit your in-house texpo, they will see the prices that apply to them in the app and can place binding orders.

Send personalised invitations and admission tickets directly from the fully integrated newsletter system. Your guests can confirm their participation online and your event team can prepare perfectly for the visitors.

Planning - Invitation - Communication.


5. Step: Publish the agenda

Pre-information on product & trade fair highlights

Invite your visitors to get detailed information about the event before they visit the expo. When, where and, of course, what will be on show at your stand and why it is definitely worth attending.

Agenda & Ticket Sales

When planning your expo with TYRIOS, you can already specify visitor numbers and individual time slots for individual consultations or guided tours. This allows you to plan your programme and resources perfectly.

Then send personalised invitations and admission tickets directly from the fully integrated newsletter system. Your guests can confirm their participation online and your event team can prepare perfectly for the visitors.

Of course, your prospects can also reserve or book tickets on their own. You then assign them to the appropriate customer groups for the respective price scales.

Your in-house expo will be a success with ease.

Mockup of laptop, tablet and mobile phone with preview of a ticket sa

6. Step: Day of the expo

TYRIOS expo as a hybrid Sales-tool

Now it's finally starting. Your visitors are arriving, the expo is set up and your sales teams on site and in the offices are ready to do business.

Everything is ready for an unforgettable experience at your in-house-expo.


Expo consultants with online tool

With TYRIOS expo, your consultants and Sales-Team have a powerful sales tool to advise your customers in the best possible way on the products on offer and to convert them directly into an order.

All product data can be called up on a laptop, iPad or smartphone and compiled into an order together with the customer in the interactive order management. Desired quantities, prices and delivery times are immediately calculated and determined.

Orders can be completed immediately or collected in the "shopping basket" for further purchases. At the end of the event, the buyer can conduct the final negotiations with the back office. 

Efficient goods purchasing management.

Product-data on the go

All products for your in-house exhibition have already been entered into TYRIOS expo with extensive product data before the start of the exhibition. This means that your visitors can move around your trade fair, take a look at the products on display in "real life" and call up all the additional data stored on their smartphone or tablet.

On the one hand, this relieves your trade fair staff and, on the other hand, allows your visitors to take a close look at your products comfortably and without being forced to do so.

The highlight is that all visitors are logged in to your TYRIOS expo app and all the products they view are saved to their profile. This makes it easier for your back-office team to target your visitors on products and, if necessary, to enter into negotiations.

Customer Journey meets Sales Experience


A saleswoman shows a customer something on a tablet, both are standing in front of a sales shelf

Decentralised POS

Offer your customers a payment option directly during the consultation at the expo stand. Individual items, samples or special items that are taken directly by the customer can be paid for conveniently by the sales consultant.

Our Point-of-Sales-App simply runs everywhere: on the PC, on the tablet and even on your smartphone.

Of course, you have access to all customer data from the POS-App and can apply the individual price scale of the buyer or even give further discounts.

More service, more revenue - it's that simple!

Saleswoman cashes up on a tablet directly in the salesroom

7. Step: Integration of the back-office team

hybride customer-consultation and Sales

The biggest advantage of a hybrid order fair is the integration of the back-office team into the ongoing sales and the support of the sales-team on site. With the help of the interactive shopping cart function, negotiations can take place far beyond the regular expo-day.

Salesteam online

Integrate your back-office sales team into your in-house exhibition. In addition to the sales-team on site, your sales staff from the office can use TYRIOS expo to create, negotiate and conclude legally binding offers with your visitors in real time.

On the one hand, this relieves your trade fair team on site and makes it easier for your customers to make targeted enquiries about interesting products without having the feeling that they have to buy directly because the salesperson is so involved.

Standard products, digital products or even configurable products can be displayed with individual prices for predefined buyer groups and processed, negotiated and ordered in real time with the customer.

Interactions with the back-office team can be conveniently continued after the expo visit, be it in the evening at the hotel or the next day back at the company.

Hybrid expo-business to increase service & revenue

Office woman with phone to ear at desk with laptop and stack of papers

8. Step: Product reviews

Integrate product tests into your expo

Actively invite your visitors to test your products, rate them and buy sample products directly after the test.

Product-Tests straight from the customers 

At a home exhibition, new products or seasonal trends are often presented. TYRIOS expo offers you a product evaluation function with which you can let your visitors test and evaluate the products directly.

Your visitors can select products themselves in the app, reserve them for testing and, if necessary, then place an order or purchase themselves. This gives your customers an extraordinary shopping experience and at the same time relieves your sales team.

In the case of new products, it is also possible to create important analyses for customer acceptance, quality determination and sales forecasts. Depending on the product range and customer group (end customers, resellers), you can use these analyses to plan your production or order.

Production and order planning based on your customer wishes and experience

Man with camera in hand at a booth counter

Finally - After Sales

After the fexpo is before the next sale

TYRIOS expo keeps track of all your visitors' activities, of course in full compliance with DSGVO, and helps you to provide them with the best possible service based on this data. Whether it's unfinished offers or products that have been viewed but not ordered, your sales team can respond specifically to the interests of your clientele.

Optimal after-business

The expo has been a success. Now let your back-office team transfer the collected data of your visitors into your CRM in a structured way. Which products were ordered, which were only viewed and which products did not interest this customer at all? When will the customer have to reorder products and when should my sales team contact the customer again with which product suggestions? 

This is important data for your sales team in order to conduct successful customer care after the trade fair. This data also provides you with the basis for planning your event and the orders or production of goods for the coming season.

Data-supported analyses and evaluations for your expo concept

Top features of TYRIOS expo

in-house-expo online & offline



Negotiation tool

Real-time quotation

Product reviews

Import - Export via Excel & CSV



Get in touch

get in touch for a free consulting

Your consultant at repalogic GmbH

Dr. Mathias Bank
Dr. Mathias Bank
07575 - 7180 922
07575 - 7180 935

Customer testimonials

We have been working with the TYRIOS system for several years and are absolutely thrilled! No matter where you are - with internet access, you always have the complete company with all processes and data "with you". Our products are found much better on Google than with our old shop system, which is reflected in an increase in turnover.

Suggestions and ideas always find an open ear and the regular updates of the system to ever more refined functions always run smoothly. 

Many thanks to the dedicated team!

Daniela Bordan ceo, LTH-GmbH

We have been working with repalogic for almost four years. Until December 2020, only for our website. Due to the Corona lockdown, we were forced to quickly design and implement an online shop. In no time at all, the repalogic team helped us set up an online shop with excellent Google visibility for our products.

Christian Heinzel ceo, sport heinzel

repalogic and Sport Klamser have been working together since years with the aim of combining online and offline in one system. [...] In doing so, sport is a particular challenge for the hitherto pure online retailer, as in addition to classic merchandise management, separate systems for rental and service as well as digital customer and supplier communication have to be taken into account up to now. In addition, the product range with clothing, shoes and hard goods is very diverse and the supply industry is extremely multi-faceted in digital communication.

The cooperation with Repalogic is creative, professional and unusually fast in implementation. We always find an open ear for problems and optimisation ideas, the paths are short and the uncomplicated support is simply fun.

Many thanks to Dr Mathias Bank and his team!

Michael Klamser ceo, sport klamser Ulm

We will never regret the day we decided to install this software. We look back on a successful cooperation that has brought our online shop and our business solution a long way forward. The mobile solution of being able to access our data from everywhere, as well as the flexibility of the system and finally also the acquisition costs are only some of many arguments that speak for this solution.

Thank you for everything!

Günter Gedenk ceo until 2020, musicline24

Finally, all my wishes regarding my homepage and the associated online shop were realised! In addition, Dr. Bank had far more ideas than I did and created a perfect result for my needs. In short sessions via telephone conference, I was introduced to the different areas of my new homepage, so that I can now work on it independently with little support.

I don't even know what I like best: the design, the search functions for articles, the integration of blog and newsletter, the comfortable online shop with merchandise management system and the possibility to provide the data for the tax advisor with one click.  [...] Many thanks to the repalogic team!!!

I am really enthusiastic and will recommend you again and again, you really know what is important for the customer. Keep it up!

Stefanie Winter ceo, anton-emma

I can unreservedly recommend the company repalogic. The team delivers professional results at a top level. For us, repalogic is an ideal sparring partner in the field of technical development.

Christian Rebholz ceo, hr-infotainment

When it was time for me to look for a suitable website for my photography, I found repalogic to be the right partner for me. After just one meeting and a few emails, the vision for the website was set and repalogic went to work. Not only was great importance placed on design and user-friendliness, but above all a high technical standard was set.

I am very happy with my website and look forward to continuing to work with repalogic.

Kristina Brauer photostudio - kristina brauer

Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. dr. Bank, our website finally has a new look. [...]

With the TYRIOS software, my customers can configure their own furniture at home on their PC and also order it directly via our online shop. Always being one step ahead and getting new impulses regarding a contemporary internet presence - this is what distinguishes the repalogic team. [...]

I feel I am in good hands with repalogic.

Simon Ruopp ceo, Interior carpentry ruopp

For years, repalogic has been convincing with its unbelievable expertise, even with unusual requests in the area of "knitting". The team is always friendly and very innovative, no matter how unusual the questions are. The competence and helpfulness is outstanding in all respects.

An idea is born in my head, I formulate it and it is immediately implemented with creativity, joy and verve.

Angelika Wieland owner, strick & Wollart

Our advantages for you

Costs    under    control Costs under control

TYRIOS® adapts to your needs. Book one or more packages and extend it with additional apps.

Pay only what you need!

Individual    Support Individual Support

If you have any questions, we are always at your side. With our ticket system we clarify your questions quickly and reliably by e-mail.

The repalogic team is always ready to help you!

Hosting in Deutschland Hosting in Germany

Secure web hosting on German servers. Eco-friendly through renewable engergies.

We take care of it!


Kostenlos & unverbindlich Testen

Your data is secure in the cloud

We take care of your system and create daily backups on external systems (stored for 14 days).


API-Interface / Import - Export - Framework

Die TYRIOS® API provides automated access to all data in real time. With the import-export framework you can easily exchange data via Excel and CSV files. For free!

Web Hosting inklusive

Web Hosting included

Secure web hosting on German servers - DDOS protection, DSGVO compliant, 500MB storage included.

Immer aktuell

Always up to date

We react to current situations and changes with new functions and automatic updates in short cycles.

TYRIOS Function List

TYRIOS has grown into a powerful system with an incredible number of functions. In the function list we describe the most important functions, sorted by application area.

With the help of our customers and their requirement descriptions, we are constantly developing TYRIOS further. 

With TYRIOS always up to date - the power of digital business!

PDF-Sheet of TYRIOS Functionlist

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